It is quite interesting to see who notices, who comments, and who doesn't notice and/or doesn't say anything about them.
I'm not naming names, as I've gotten over taking it personally, but still, it is surprising.
Glasses are like a screen, a mask that one is always wearing (when you're as vision impaired as I am). I feel naked comparatively when I wear contacts. So when the mask changes so substantially, it seems like it would be a noticeable thing.
I always notice glasses because I, too, feel naked without mine - and earrings, too!!
I've gotten better, but sometimes I don't notice the obvious. Once it took me most of a day to notice my long term always heavily bearded boyfriend had a hair free face. Or maybe it's a compliment that people see you and not the glasses? Usually I get something confusing like "You did something different....." but people can't really tell what if I change my hair or glasses. My favorite glasses I ever had were a red pair. I've been looking for a red pair every since - going on fifteen years now, and haven't been able to find them. Ironically, I'm not wearing a purple pair - a color that I rarely think of wearing or using. But I really like them. They're called "Eggplant" and they're a dark purple, but lilac on the inside. I hope you love your red glasses as much as I loved mine. I should find a photo of myself in them. Have fun!
That should say "I'm NOW wearing a purple pair...."
Those are *great* glasses! I'm thinking about getting something more colorful myself. As for noticing, people in fact do not notice. My husband just taught a class on this very thing and it's incredible what prople don't see! Sometimes people notice a change, just don't know what it is. I remember when DH shaved off his beard, people asked if he'd grown a moustache.
Definitely don't take it personally, with me anyway. I tend to look right past glasses to the eyes, and if I do notice the glasses, I probably think I've seen them before, because of my bad memory! You should just do what I do -- say boldly, "Hey, how do you like my new glasses?" :-)
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