Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Angry Moon

Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Black & White #4

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Black & White Take 3

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Stamp Carving

Happy Valentine's Day
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Black & White Take 2

Here are a couple of pictures for a second go-round of black and white for selfportraitchallenge.
This is me ascending my newly textured stairs. Yes the walls are textured, but the sprayer got the stairs too. They now have a coat of primer, as does most of my arm hair, yeouch, this stuff is so much harder than paint to get off!
So I thought I'd take a shadow picture since I'm surrounded by all these white walls (but not for long, color is a comin'!). I liked this one best because it has the top of my head, a bit of hair, a corner of my glasses.
I also am posting the greyscale and regular version of the photo. In this case I like the black/white version better. The light glow and wood stair and wallboard just look dirty compared to the whiteness of the wall texture. So when the color is removed to grey, problem solved. IF only it were that easy in real life. Sigh.
I think I have triceps again, at least I can feel them after all this painting. Whose idea exactly was it that we have 15 foot ceilings in the bedrooms??? oops, never mind.
Friday, February 09, 2007
New music

While I prepare to paint yet another room (hooray!), I'm listening to a great new cd from The Shins, "Wincing the Night Away

Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Snap Decisions
If you spend more than 2 seconds on the answer, leave it blank and move to the next question.
1. You run into a friend who has just chopped off all her long hair (or suddenly has an Afro). What do you say?
2. You walk by a well dressed man with manicured hands who smells like a gin martini. He asks you for money. What do you do?
6. You walk by a disheveled man wearing soiled & tattered clothes. He politely asks you for money. What do you do?
Next, go find an outrageous picture of your Elvis on the net and post it at the bottom of your answers. Be sure to give credit to the photographer.
(Give yourself bonus points for velvet).

Black and White vs. Colour

Which do you like better? The black and white version or the colour version? This is me petting a cactus (kidding!) in Sedona at Dara's old house back in 2005.

So I admit it, I'm a colour addict. I need colour. It feeds me. In a very deep way. This month is going to be very challenging.
Friday, February 02, 2007
The Books of January
First up, Anansi Boys. The brilliant Neil Gaiman comes up with another good tale, with characters you would love to meet, what an imagination this man has. This is one of my favorite recent reads, I just didn't want it to be over. I really hope he writes a sequel or another story in the world he created in this novel.

Then, here is a book, well journal really, or datebook, well, it is hard to quantify. I'm using it as my write a sentence summarizing each day journal. And I'm also trying to understand more about the whole astrology gig, and this has lots of info on that subject. Plus, very cool artworks, poetry, etc.

This book was actually a holiday gift that I gave my youngest son, mainly purchased since the cover was shiny and very interesting. I'll admit it! It is written for grades 6-9, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Very well written, and such a fun take on fairytales that we've all told and been told many times. Mix that all up with a misfit story, and you're good to go. Kind of like a "Wicked" for a younger age group.

Another very steamy read from Laurell K. Hamilton. I've liked some of her other books better.

Ooooh, this one is fun! A follow-on story to the Buffy the Vampire Slayer, set in the far future, with another slayer, Meleaka Fray. I know it is a comic book, but I'm counting it, since it cost me big bucks (for a comic book, sheesh!).

Another visual universe that I didn't want to leave was Joss Whedon's Serenity, the short-lived, but much loved sci-fi/western tv show. This much too short book shows what happened after we left the story...I hear there will be more of these, which is good, I'll be buying them. The artwork in them are very good, especially the whole page character renderings.

A book I've been meaning to read for a while, by Starhawk. Set in a near future California, almost a post-apocalyptic kinda setup. Very good story, engaging characters. Interesting takes on what could happen in the future. But I found the novel's pacing to be ruined by political rantings. Fifth Sacred Thing, The

I've put off reading this book for a while, but finally got around to it. And I'm glad I did. I thought it would be just too sad, and it really, truly wasn't. I felt uplifted at the end, by this tale of murder's aftermath from the point of view of the victim looking down from her heaven on those she's left behind. Thinking about the idea of each person having their own version of heaven is really an intriguing prospect. hmmmm.

I originally got this gigantic book out of the library just for the pretty pictures. I thought they'd cheer me up in the doldrums of winter, looking at beautiful gardens. You know, kind of like garden porn! But then I started reading, and wow, was this ever an interesting book. The authors divide up the world into areas/types of gardens, give the history of gardening in the large regions, show pictures of traditional or famous gardens. The usual. But then the innovative thing is they give examples of how you, the home gardener can bring elements of these fabulous garden creations down to earth to take root in your own garden. I'll be checking this one out again.

Thursday, February 01, 2007
ArtShare MeMe

And yes, this is a reminder to me to actually send out some art to emmy,cara,dilling,marion and deirdre. I haven't forgotten. Just too covered in construction debris to make a dent in my art to-do list. Sorry folks. But I will send you something eventually!
64 Days of NonViolence Practice