1. What are some of your favorite smells? What's a smell that many other people seem to like, but you don't?

Favorite smells include most flowers, rain, the ocean, my favorite people (clean or not), beeswax, pipe smoke (but not cigarettes, sometimes cigars), many foods.
3. What are some of your favorite textures? What's a texture that many other people seem to like, but you don't?

Favorite textures would include furry, soft, plush, velvety, tickly, sandpapery, complex.
4. What are some of your favorite sounds? What's a sound that many other people seem to like, but you don't?

Bonus: If you could greatly enhance just one sense - say for instance see as many colors as a bird, or smell as many distinct scents as a dog - which sense would it be and why
I would want to be able to enhance my sight, to be able to see really super closeup, zoom in like a scanning electron microscope, and then zoom back out to normal sight.