Here are the final ten blocks completed from the #100Days100Blocks project. Hard to believe I made it through all the way. Block 91 above is a fun combination where I got to highlight those pink deer. I'm so glad the deer I see in my yard every day are normal shades of brown.

Block 92, once I see a face in something, I can't un-see it.
Pareidolia perhaps? Hmmm, that would be a good quilt title to use at some point.

Block 92, one last angry elephant before I let you go. I don't really like the way the framing is split by the center fabric going through. It looks like a blocky letter D or a snorkeling elephant.
Block 94, I liked having this big space to show almost all of the butterfly (or moth?)
Block 95, I lied, here's some more angry elephant. I just love that fabric design, it's so beautiful and swoopy and then you look more closely and see what it really is.
Block 96, had to get one more yellow deer in the quilt.
Block 97- This might be my favorite use of this crazy-mod black/white/color print.
Block 98, I really liked this arrangement of rectangles/square, and another lotus-tiger.

Block 99
Block 100!! So thrilled to have made it through this long project, thank you
Gnome Angel for creating such an inspiring community. and I'm looking forward to participating in the
#100BlocksFinished project, wherein we attempt to get our quilt tops completed by 1/25/17. Stay tuned for that.
If you want to do the 2017 #100Days100Blocks for this same project, it
starts in May.
Here's the arrangement I'm likely to go with, but I'll likely tinker with it a bit more. I'm planning a grey sashing background that will separate the blocks.