Friday, January 26, 2024

New Threads

New threads as in threads, not clothing for me to wear. It's funny that's a slang word for entire garments. But without the thread it'd just be lengths of fabric, right? As I mentioned a few weeks back, I'd been inspired to look for the cool black and white thread that was used in the embroidered fabric I picked up at the BAM Sew Day. I hemmed up that fabric and it's in the wash right now so I can use it on a table.
That's how I ended up on the Wonderfil website, and here's what I bought even though I don't technically need any new thread. The black and white thread that is called D-Twist, two colors of green Spagetti, grey Invisafil and some embroidery needles.
Some Chenille size 18's, and some Sashiko (spell check turned that into Sashimi!) needles to be specific. And Wonderfil throws in a free pre-wound bobbin which is a kind of nice bonus. You can always use more bobbins. I broke one the other day, ran it over with my chair wheels and cracked it.

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