Friday, January 05, 2024

Last Year's Movies

 I kept track of all the movies I watched last year on Letterboxd

I like the visual nature of the way the lists are shown, which are screen shotted here. The movie posters presented this way are almost quilt-y.

These are all in the date order of watching. I can see the week when DH was gone because it's all solid horror movies. 

Reading the reviews on that website is a trip, there are all sorts of people commenting from legit movie critics all the way to the most average movie-watching public. 

For the whole year of 2023, I watched 147 movies total. 

In all sorts of genres and movie lengths, a lot of them were really great, many were not so great and I wanted my two hours back.

147 Movies  is almost 3 per week. That's a whole lot of movies. 

I guess the 52 books  that I read is at a rate of one per week, so that's a pretty good balance of media consumption of books to movies. 

Of course this doesn't account for all the tv series that we watched during the year. Peaky Blinders, Monarch, Slow Horses, Endeavour, Reacher, etc. Or all the many many hours of podcasts that I listened to either! I'm a media consuming machine basically, always have been I suppose, that really hasn't changed over the years. Just the ease of consumption has really changed quite a lot just in the last few years.

Okay, that's enough year-end summing up, on to this New Year that is only five days old at this point.

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