Thursday, November 02, 2023

November To Do

 Here's how my design wall looks on the first day of November. The Temperature Quilt is in process once again. The beginnings of the Wedge Quilt are still to be assembled. My work from the class I took last month with Uzoma Samuel. And the same old orphan blocks up on the right hand side. In the foreground the in-process pile with the Metro Twist quilt top on the very top.

Here's my to-do list for November:


Trinket -  make backing and binding, layer and quilt.

Color Collective - Quilt and bind the Slopes Quilt, 

and make another side for the Clover Pillow with Swerves, start cutting for Colorwash

Temperature Quilt- cut more pieces from newly dyed fabric, keep piecing monthly columns.

Pantone Project - keep making blocks and pass them on to friend Jaye.

Secret Lives of Color- it's still oh so very secret, keep reading the book and making the blocks, post some too.

New Work

Wedge Quilt - finish assembling quilt top, make a backing, quilt, bind, label.

A Hot One - planned quilt celebrating the color of the year, Viva Magenta.

Garment Sewing Academy - finish Cielo top.

Make It Work - assemble a quilt top out of the materials for BAMQG

Finish It Already

Make a back for Metro Twist, layer, quilt, bind, label.

Finish quilting Japanese Houses, bind, label.

Y.E.S. Coat lay out what I've made, make more elements, start assembling.

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