Tuesday, November 07, 2023

May Done


The May column for the Temperature Quilt was hanging out and getting in the way of working out how to proceed on the Trinket backing. It also was falling down piece by piece, so it was my aim to get it all sewed together today.
Instead of going day by day I filled up my pressing board with the black beginning pieces and the first three days.
I got my little Oliso project iron to sit by my machine. It worked out well sitting there on the table. The sides of it don't get terribly hot like some irons.
We had one day in May where it hit 90F, so I finally got to put in a hot color, this red-orange. It was terribly exciting which is dumb I know but I love how that little splotch of red looks in the first five columns.
It's all together except for the very end black pieces. I asked my studio assistant to pose for size comparison. Doesn't this pose look like one of those hysterical photos on an old magazine cover of Cat Fancy? What's he looking at? Is he thinking deep thoughts? Why does he have a yellow ribbon on his back?
This look says to me,"Seriously, if you have to ask all those dumb questions maybe I should be in charge of doling out the cat food from here on out."

Anyways, May is done, and I'm halfway to being caught up on the year, hah!

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