Monday, November 13, 2023

Rick Rack Star


Every now and then the email from EQ8 comes in with the Block Spotlight challenge. They highlight one of the many hundreds of blocks that are available in the block library in the program and suggest some possible uses of them. Then a challenge is issued to design something using that particular block. Here's what I came up with for the Rick-Rack Star.

If you have EQ8 you can find it under 8 Pointed Stars. I really like seeing what other EQ8 users come up with. Demonstrates how the possibilities are pretty much endless.

Will I ever make this? Probably not, but it's fun to play around with and dream up wild color schemes like this one. That's why I'm putting this in the new "maybe someday quilt designs" category. If I was to make it, I would do it in solids like in my design. I'd want all those points to really show up.

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