Sunday, February 27, 2022

Peace For Ukraine

The Peace for Ukraine block from Happy Sew Lucky is what I'm working on today as I listen to news reports. 

As an unimportant aside: Oh my goodness looking at this picture that I took of my laptop screen, I really need to clean it! I got wax smears on it the other day when I was doing my hand therapy wax soak. Talk about 1st world or unimportant problems, huh? But looking at the picture of a picture of the screen it makes it doubly bad. But obviously not war happening in your country bad of course.

I know that my making this block isn't going to help anyone or do anything about this stupid war, but as the quilt block designer requested in lieu of payment to her, I am also donating to USA for UNCHCR which is setting up the border refugee camps. This is instead of checking twitter for the millionth time for the latest news and crying over videos of entire towns standing in the road to block Russian tanks from rolling through. 

What a horrible horrible thing war is.

This song apparently will never fade in its relevance:

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