Thursday, June 29, 2023

Houses Under The Needle


I've gotten a lot of the quilting done on the Japanese Houses or Village quilt done. It's mostly just walking foot, anchor it down sort of quilting, but it was a lot just to get started on it. Now I'm on to figuring out how to feature each house. I'm thinking I'll meander about in the "sky" of each block and the sky vertical separators, and then do something on each window and or door? Not sure yet.

Working on this quilt today I was so struck by the difference just in the colors from the Trinket quilt. This quilt is absolutely crazy and packed with vibrant color and pattern from all the variety of Japanese fabrics. But it's not super-saturated like the Alison Glass fabrics I'm using for Trinket. I like them both a whole lot, but for very different reasons.

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