Here's how the Japanese Houses quilt is looking, all 11 rows of 12 houses are done, all 132 of them. Now to sew the rows together and put the borders on. I'm pleased with the distribution of colors in the houses. It's gloriously random, but still looks a bit intentional. Is that my "Personal Quilt Style"™? Yes, I think it might be.I have to say that I am quite thoroughly sick of making houses at this point, so I'm very glad that part of this quilt is done with.
The + 2 in the post title refers to the two lonely houses on the left of the first picture. Here they are in close-up. Somehow I made two extra! I think I'll add them into the back. Maybe I can throw them in there along with some of the scraps, triangles, etc. leftover from making the houses.
Great job getting the houses done! I can imagine that you are sick to death of making them. Putting the extras on the back is a good idea unless you want to make them into a donation quilt, kitchen sink quilt or leave them laying around to annoy you later. ;-)
Maybe they can bookend your label?
I like the idea of having the label be near the houses on the back, that's a great suggestion, thanks.
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