Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Illustrated August To-Do

For the beginning of August, here's how my design wall is looking. Still pretty crowded around the right hand side because I didn't want to upset my progress on what I was working on last month by tearing the place apart. There are a few easy things to take out from that area that won't be too upsetting to the whole applecart that I want to work on actually removing. Specifically those two are the box of books/magazines I was trying to sell on eBay years ago and a big box of fake fur scraps. Start with the do-able, right?

The Illustrated To-Do list for August is:

Finish up and photograph my entries for Quilt National because they're due the 1st week of September.

Sew together the Orange Bullseye quilt top.

Quilt and finish the Kitchen Sink Quilt.

Keep up with making the Pantone Project blocks.

Finish putting together the Japanese Houses quilt top.

Make more blocks for the Y.E.S. coat.

Make the four green pillows for our couches.

Finish the removable pet bed cushion cover that I started.

Work on printing fabrics to use in art quilt(s) for the SAQA/Printmakers exhibit.

Start and finish EQ8 quilt design to use for the Ruby+Bee challenge.


Jaye said...

As you may have guessed, I have been thinking a lot about my quilt to do list. I wonder if selecting some projects I can finish in one month, as you do, would work for me? I don't have that many UFO projects, but they seem daunting to me, staring at me each month after I make no progress on those particular projects. I'll have to think about that and see if it is doable for me. Clearly I make progress every month and I add things to my "I want to make this" list, but certain UFOs are still on my list. Some of them I haven't worked on in years. Bleah.

Julie Zaccone Stiller said...

I think it's worth a try and see if it works for you to think about your to-do list in a different way. Getting stuff done vs. getting projects started is a very different thing.