One of our days in Tahoe was designated as a beach day, so we set off from our rented house to Sand Harbor over the state line into Nevada. We'd enjoyed it the last time we'd visited Tahoe, but unfortunately it was completely full, so we drove on, ending up further down around the lake into Zephyr Cove. It was really lovely. Easy to get to the beach, a pretty good cafe, okay bathrooms and lots of space. And a great name too. the smoke from the fires near Yosemite was aa little reduced which was nice so we could see across the lake to Emerald Bay.
And geese, lots and lots of geese, hotfooting it around as the sand got hotter towards mid-afternoon.

This one goose just settled down into a little hole it dug for itself and sat there for a while, just in case I decided to toss them a pretzel. I went into the water several times and thoroughly enjoyed myself, except for getting slightly sunburned. I keep forgetting I'm a delicate flower now. The water was fairly shallow so it wasn't too shockingly cold, so it was easy to stay in for a while and float around. It was fun watching all the various water equipment people were using, lots of stand-up paddling, several with dogs on board. I tried to picture doing that with my own dog, and settled on that she'd probably do pretty well in a kayak.

It was one of my niece's 17th birthdays recently so we went in search of a celebratory dessert. Boba tea was the best we could come up with, but she loved it. I loved seeing this old sign in South Lake Tahoe. We were most of the way around the lake now so we just proceeded from there, making a complete circuit in one day. A lot of driving, but my BIL's sister really enjoyed seeing the whole lake.
Refreshing gin and tonics out on the deck of our rented house to celebrate a great trip. The backyard was a little trickle of water known as Bear Creek which was funny to us as that is one of the creeks and roads where we live. This was a Bear Creek that still hosts bears though, the house we rented had quite an elaborate bear zapping set up over all the bear-accessible doors and windows.
One of those lovely blue skies when the fire smoke finally mostly cleared away.
Looks like a great time. We'll be there next week.
It was super fun, I hope you enjoy your time up there!
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