I'm inflicting yet another Cornucopia on you, dear reader. Hopefully there will be at least one thing in here that is interesting to you!
Howza about this kaleidoscope?
I had to of course wash the chips because they were eeewww grungy,
and then I had to spread them out on a towel to dry,
and of course I noticed how pretty they were,
pictures was taken of course
and if pictures are taken,
now apparently the final step is to make a kaleidoscope.
I'm all about completing the process,
checking off the list,
doing all the steps.
So, Why did I feel compelled to buy this thingy? I mean, it isn't exactly beautiful, it is plastic-y and not in a particularly nice or retro vibe-y way.
Did we really need one?
Well, I'll just say two boys, one teen aged (14!) and one almost, and yes poker is a game we're into these days. And it just isn't as cool to play with pinto, black and white beans. Especially when you are hosting your friends for your birthday party tonight (eeek another house full of teenagers!).
Just think, now these pieces of plastic will NOT be joining the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. I'm trying to be more conscious about the plastic bags and wrappings that we use and discard. Especially with plastic bags, so here is a new bag I'll be using. Just got it from Dharma Trading, it is made from recycled paper, is lined, and has water hyacinth braided into sturdy handles. Apparently the water hyacinth is a big pesky problem in the rivers in Indonesia where this is made. I love this bag! I think I'll be gifting these this year to several people...

Last night, we attended the final football game for Zach for this season for the SLV Cougars, freshman team, they played in Aptos.
Here is the sunset through the eucalyptus trees.
Some people are really really really glad that we don't have to go to any more football games until next season. He was torn between wanting to support his big brother and wanting to be just about anywhere else. Learning about the game got him a little bit more interested, but not enough to get enthusiastic about watching a whole game. Last night he spent some time off on the sidelines of the field, climbing some trees (which necessitated several cell phone calls to dad to get the okay).
Anyways! Hooray for ol' number 77, the big big win (38 to 8), the co-championship and for learning a new sport, being part of a team ,etc...To quoth the teen"It's all good."

When I first saw the carousel, I thought it was a cheesecake with fruit on top. I guess I'm hungry.
My great grandmother used to cut plastic bags into strips and crochet them into round rugs. I'll try to get the pattern - my mom knows how to do it. They are great rugs for putting in front of a back door to wipe your feet on and they can be washed off with the hose. GG also added a bit of art to the project, carefully placing the colors on the plastic bags. My mom told me they are not for the faint of heart to crochet, because the plastic is not as pliable as yarn, but they are very good for the environment!
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