Not perfect, but much better than we could find at the local Home Despot. There, it was either mirrors or very lightweight doors that would break. I know how hard the boys are on doors, and it seemed really silly to spend $1,000 on mirrored doors that would just get ruined. So hey, This price was right, *free*. I love reusing stuff. Unfortunately we had to purchase tracks and wheels for them as those got bent and tossed during the demo for $25 a set. But they glide very very smoothly and now we don't have to look at our closet contents all the time! Hooray, what a difference that makes in the room, I had no idea.
Last thing to do is install some kind of facing trim to cover up the track glider up at the top, but we have lots of unused new trim lying around that matches the closet door framing, I just have to paint it on a sunny day and get handy husband to install it.

Next up is some sewing, gasp! No really, sewing. I'm recovering or making a slipcover (haven't decided quite yet), a chair that we got off of Freecycle several years ago. You can see a tiny bit of it here, it is a very intensely ugly deep orange. Currently it is a ground chair, with no legs, and we are in negotions as to what kind of legs to add if we do. This is Alex's chair, so he chose this super cool fabric from Fabric.com.

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