Here is a bit more on what I did this weekend. On Friday before the mendhi, and when we still had the late afternoon sun three of us did a traditional Mayan ritual which is taught by Rosita Arvigo as part of
Mayan Abdominal Massage. This is a picture of my spiritual bath.

You've got to try this sometime! I swear I feel like a completely different person after I've done one of these, a very powerful tool. There is a great article online from
Mothering Magazine about using these with children who have nightmares. If you're at all interested check out the book,
Spiritual Bathing
by Rosita Arvigo. It has all the information on how and why to do this along with stunningly beautiful pictures. Here is a
review, and an
excerpt.I gathered all of the plant materials from my spot of heaven on earth (aka my home and garden) and shared them with everyone in a big basket. I contributed: rosemary (prostrate and not), lavender, rue, plantain, pincushion flower, calendula, rose (red and white), marigold, basil, mint, lemon balm, catmint, society garlic, redwood, pine, and tea tree. My car smelled wonderful on the drive over with all this great smelly plant stuff! Yumm.

A very cool vintage lamp (maybe 1930's?) I spotted during our fabulous brunch in the
Crepe Place. I didn't get to ask about it, but I will next time I go there. There are two of them hanging from the high open beam ceiling and they make the room if you ask me.

I noticed this horse head on a beach house, it is from the nearby amusement park where they have a great old carousel (seen in a Clint Eastwood movie...), this looked to be from when it was refurbished a while ago. A fun thing to have on top of your house, no?

I always end up taking pictures of my feet at the beach. I'm wearing my favorite hand-dyed rayon pants which would not stay rolled up and ended up being quite soaked by the time we left the beach.

The waves were crashing and noisy at Seabright beach. It was a lovely 80F, and we were all remarking on how you wouldn't know it was November. Except for the absence of any fog (that is the Santa Cruz secret, the beach is the best in late autumn!).
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