I received my latest and I think last, Color Collective package a little early this time. So early that the pattern isn't even out quite yet. That will happen on the first of May. And this time it's supposed to be the guest quilt designer's turn, Jacquie Gering. I'm super curious to see what she presents us with. Especially given this vibrant color palette.

I'm actually feeling a lot better about using the Kona solids after working with them on the Slopes quilt. They seem to be much less thick than I remember them being, and the raveling isn't as bad as it is on some other fabrics. I do still like the hand of the Paintbrush Studios Painter's Palette Solids and the Art Gallery Fabrics Pure Solids more. I wonder if the greige goods they're using for the Konas is different now? I still have solids that I bought many years ago that were probably Kona, but as they don't have any labeling on the selvedge, I don't know for sure so I can't check my old assumptions. It is good to have this many options for solids now, for awhile quilters didn't have many choices.
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