Here's a decision to be made in four pictures. I've been fooling around with this fussy-cut Rock Candy arrangement for a week now. This is the original plan that I started out with.
The first fabric I tried for the "solid" above was much too busy so I substituted this light blue Mineral fabric instead. I like the look of it a bit more.
I thought it might be interesting to see what it would look like if I had the outer round be in the darker blue Mineral fabric in my stash. I do kind of like this arrangement. The border strips and binding could be in that same darker blue as well. Or I could use the blue version of that same fabric I tried in the first picture as the border and binding. Decisions decisions....being made visually.
This is how it is looking right now. I combined the two colors of Mineral on the outer ring. Now I'm thinking maybe it really just needs an actual solid to really show off the fussy cutting and calm down the whole thing. That Mineral fabric really has a lot of visual motion to it. Also after all this hemming and hawing I will find myself with almost enough pieces for yet another Rock Candy table topper...

I like the darker mineral, but your idea of the solid might be the solution.
I might pin up a piece of a solid and then arrange the pieces on it instead of cutting out another set of diamonds and triangles.
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