Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Well Repaired


As I was folding up my newly washed PIQF purchases, I encountered an odd lump. And it wasn't the usual tangle of edge threads. Nope, it was a satin-stitched repair, presumably of the greige goods before it was dyed or batiked. I say that because the thread color matches nearly exactly, which is as we all know is quite hard to do. So, they used a cotton thread that took the dye the same as the fabric. It's a pretty well done repair although noticeably lumpy. It was pretty close to the selvedge which would leave the fabric usable. I guess if I keep the repair in the seam allowance it'd be cool. I wouldn't want it in the center of a block or whatever though. It will also be a bit harder to stitch over when quilting.

With the millions of yards of greige goods that go through the mills every year, mistakes get made, I totally get that. But this is being sold as a quilting cotton, at quite the price premium of course. It reminded me of this printing error I encountered a couple years ago. I guess there are all kinds of standards that vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, and the chances that you get something like this are pretty low when you buy quilting cotton all the time. It's unusual and unexpected because that's what we're used to. Not mad about it, just a little surprised I guess.

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