Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Four Done

 Four things off my to-do list already. Well, actually only one item, but quantity four. Four pillows, yes! I t was briefly sad that my family sad no to a pillow fight. The first one that I did was a bust, and I had to un-sew it, it was way too big, and I had neglected to finish off the raw edges which messed up the zipper when it was turned out. So I un-sewed the zipper side, and trimmed off the hem on the other three sides. 

Starting over, I trimmed all the squares down to 16.5", leaving this big pile of trimmings.

Then I got out my overcast (or over-edge) foot and did all eight edges. Annoying and time-consuming? Yes. Very noisy? Yes. But I put on a good podcast on my earphones and turned it up. 

You can see the nicely finished overcast edges, which were definitely worth the time. Back to the regular foot to sew the edges and then the zipper foot to sew the zipper. I felt so fancy using 3 separate machine feet on a project.

Time to reveal the zipper. Must more satisfying un-sewing.

Yay, done!
I'm very glad  that I pieced two sides. They're a little small but they pack a punch.
They really turned out just how I'd pictured them.

They really stack up (haha).


Jaye said...

Nice job! Hope the zipper tutorial worked out well for you. Perhaps the overcasting would have been faster with your serger? Though, you would have had to set it up, etc. Yay for another finish!!

Julie Zaccone Stiller said...

Thank you! Yes, between the two zipper tutorials, I figured it out. The serger probably would have worked too, but I haven't used it on anything heavier than quilting cotton so I was wary at trying it out on layers of upholstery fabric.