The Project Quilting challenge for 15.5 this week is: Wearables. I knew I didn't feel like making a quilt out of formerly wearable fabric, or making a quilt block of a shirt, or make an entire shirt. My eyes just happened to have landed on the blue slap bracelet I got at last year's BAM retreat in the goody bags we were given. I was on a zoom call when it came to me: I can't wear this slap bracelet because the rubbery plastic feels yucky on my skin. Call me sensitive, yes, yes I am. So that meant I could make it Wearable.
I pieced and quilted a strip that would work, using mostly prints from making the recent Boho Wife quilt blocks. I thought it kind of funny that the main fabric that I ended up using is called Mini Pearl Bracelet (Lizzy House/Andover Fabrics). That brought to mind pearl button bracelets, which I've always wanted to try and make, so out came my jar of white pearl buttons.
This meets one of the challenge elements, that it uses previously worn materials, as you can see by the fabric and thread still on the buttons, they're definitely pre-worn.
I paced the chosen buttons in three graduated sizes. There was only going to be so much room for the buttons, as the bracelet ends wrap over each other.

I tried it on and took note of where the overlap happened and made sure that the buttons wouldn't get extended into that zone on either end.
I used the button sewing stitch on my machine to sew all thirteen of the buttons on. A bracelet of pearl bracelet fabric underneath pearl buttons.And there it is, Pearl Lucky 13, all ready to get stitched together in time for tomorrow's deadline.
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