Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Scrap Distraction

Post trimming the block units for the Metro Twist, I had this big stack of matching shapes leftover. Pretty big sizes and such an interesting shape. Should I just put them in the pet bed I'm filling up or....
Not today apparently, it's just too irresistible to me, especially if I like the fabrics that I'm working with, which I really do in this case. I paired them up and sewed the leftovers up the short side. Looking very pennant-y.
Then I matched up pairs and sewed them together the long way.
 Does it look like a kite? Yes, yes it does.  I could cut these all down to a squares.Or...The other scraps left over are from cutting the solid backgrounds, which of course fit that concave curve. After all, it's literally the convex part of the same curve.

That sewed up pretty easily. It was a little hard to figure out where to place the end of the curved piece I'm adding. 
Pressed it looks even better, but it's a very irregular shape.
This is where I left off, I think I can make parallelograms out of these which would look very cool sewn together with maybe equal sized capes out of the print fabrics. Hmmm.


Jaye said...

WOW!!! Super cool idea!

Julie Zaccone Stiller said...

Thanks! It's a little bit too much fiddly sewing for me, but it looks pretty cool.