Friday, July 28, 2023

Orange Photos

The stars aligned and I finally did my big quilt photography project yesterday. The power was on, it wasn't too insanely hot to iron and use the hot photo bulbs, and I had enough energy reserves. I started with photographing Orange You Glad as it was already pinned up on the wall after being washed and dried.
The cast of the photo of this quilt is finally much closer to correct because of the photo bulbs I use for lighting.
I'm pleased with how the majority of the photos turned out. But boy am I ever pooped today, it really takes a lot of physical effort.
But hey, now I can update my website with the last couple of years of work.
A little behind the scenes peek of my set up. I use my ring light phone holder as a tripod holder. Yes, I'm using my iPhone to take the photos. It honestly works as well as the 35mm digital camera that I have. One of the big secrets is to use the timer delay so the camera is steady when the photo is taken.

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