Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Naps Suggested


Playing around with layouts for the Trinket quilt. This is a 14x14 arrangement. I kind of like this one.
Another 14x14 arrangement. This features and highlights the paper pieced blocks more by centering and featuring them. Still not satisfied enough for the layout to begin sewing the blocks together.
My studio assistant has been offering helpful suggestions.

Mostly she's suggesting I take a break and maybe go lie down for a nap since I finished off quilting the Orange You Glad bullseye quilt. Which is apparently very comfy.

Definitely time to go back to napping.


Jaye said...

Great work finishing the quilting.

Your arrangements for the Trinket quilt remind me of one of the more recent FOTY quilts. 2019, maybe?

Julie Zaccone Stiller said...

Thanks! I'm so glad that the quilting is done. It didn't take very long, but now it's done. Oh yes, definitely similar arrangements, I'm probably going back to the checkerboard.

Jaye said...

I like the checkerboard. It is good to try different arrangements so you can be sure the first one is the best.