When the opportunity to take a tuffet making class came up, I jumped at the chance. I'd always loved the idea of tuffets and always wanted one of my own (and I love the word.) I think it all goes back to this illustration. When you're a little kid just learning to read, this particular nursery rhyme has a lot of words that don't make a lot of sense and need explanation from adults. I remember having a long discussion with my grandmother about tuffets, because the much older version of the Mother Goose rhymes she had at her house showed Miss Muffet sitting on a rock. Go here and see which one you recall from your childhood.
Anyway! Friend Jaye and I had seen a cool tuffet at a quilt shop in Arizona and then several on display at PIQF, so it was on our minds. So, when the LQS near her, Scruffy Quilts offered a two-day class we signed up.

I bought a couple of jellyrolls of rainbow batik strips to have a head-start. It was fun to play around with the colors and see what was going to maybe look good in a tuffet. I discovered there weren't enough greens, so I cut some from my stash to add in to the mix.
I am so glad you are writing about this experience!
Me too! I want to make one and just found a semi-local shop that's doing the class.
Jaye, I'm glad that you found the class for us to go to!
Terri, you should take the class, I bet you would love the experience of making a tuffet, hope you go for it!
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