Indoors, two refugees from a bouquet, surviving and floating for a little bit longer.
These Columbines, always such a surprise, I forget they might show up.
And I don't always know what color combinations that they'll be. These flowers are a little like a secret between me and the bees as they don't really turn their faces up to the sun.
There are several pots that the Columbines come up, and they seem to stick to a few color combinations with variation year to year.
Climbing roses to be blooming very soon.
This scented geranium bush is enormous and I need to divide it and replant some elsewhere, but for now I'm enjoying the cute little flowers and the lovely scent.
Speaking of scent, the lilacs are going gangbusters this year probably from all the rain.
The center of these yellow-orange on orange Calendulas are so mesmerizing, and apparently attractive to bugs too.
A couple new plants that my family planted for me, as I'm off garden chores until I'm rehabbed from an imminent knee surgery. This is a Hybrid Pacific Coast Iris in New Yellow. I love the maroon ribbing. This is planted in the filtered light of the Fig tree so hopefully it'll be happy.
Another new plant my family planted for me is this Abutilon Pictum Thompsonil, the variegated leaves and the sort of variegated flowers are really pretty. I hope this one works out and makes it through the summer.
The Poison Tree, that's what my family calls it (it is very poisonous, Angel's Trumpet) is enormous and heavy with blossoms. It takes a lot of trimming to keep it in bounds.
Pink and more pink!
Some of the variations might have to do with the amount of sun these different pots get. I enjoy them all and I'm always happy to see them bloom.

Climbing roses to be blooming very soon.
This scented geranium bush is enormous and I need to divide it and replant some elsewhere, but for now I'm enjoying the cute little flowers and the lovely scent.
Speaking of scent, the lilacs are going gangbusters this year probably from all the rain.
The center of these yellow-orange on orange Calendulas are so mesmerizing, and apparently attractive to bugs too.
A couple new plants that my family planted for me, as I'm off garden chores until I'm rehabbed from an imminent knee surgery. This is a Hybrid Pacific Coast Iris in New Yellow. I love the maroon ribbing. This is planted in the filtered light of the Fig tree so hopefully it'll be happy.
Another new plant my family planted for me is this Abutilon Pictum Thompsonil, the variegated leaves and the sort of variegated flowers are really pretty. I hope this one works out and makes it through the summer.
The Poison Tree, that's what my family calls it (it is very poisonous, Angel's Trumpet) is enormous and heavy with blossoms. It takes a lot of trimming to keep it in bounds.
That's all for now, I can't walk around the whole yard unfortunately as I have stay on stable surfaces. Making this garden over the years has been one of my favorite things I've done in life.
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