Saturday, August 12, 2023

More Magenta


It all started with a post on Instagram from Blue Nickel Studios. My very favorite ergonomic Olfa rotary cutter has been released in two brand new colors, magenta and blue. I got the magenta one as you can see. I never really liked that bright yellow orange of the original. The non-ergonomic Olfa cutter is my go-bag and I really do not like it much, having to click it open and closed each time is annoying and so I don't do it 100%, which is of course dangerous and a big no-no. I always hear Rosalie Dace in my mind reminding me that it's only important for the fingers I want to keep.
While I was shopping for the rotary cutter I picked up some very on sale fabrics as well.
Plans for this rather odd assortment of fabrics are as follows: 

The Christmas panel is by the same designer of another Christmas panel that I bought and started up a quilt design for a while ago. I think I'll figure out how to use them both together in one. 

The blue fabric with Christmas tree lights is for making new gift bags. 

The two colors of cool beans fabric is to make another one of those mini drawstring bags that I made for friend Jaye's birthday. 

The two scissors fabrics are also going to be paired up for mini drawstring bags, maybe for BAMQG? 

And the two bark cloth mod prints? Heck if I know. I honestly am struggling with that one.  I like the fabric design, and I do like bark cloth, but what did I have in mind for these two? Not enough yardage for clothes, or a quilt really, maybe a reversible bag or something like that? Or I was just in a mood because I was in the sale section. That's probably closer to the truth.

I  also picked up some really cute quilt block illustration washi tape, and some new glass head pins. You can tell this is an order from Sewtopia because of the Hi-Chew candy they always include, and that I always immediately enjoy, yum.

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