I saw the bad news about the fires in Maui last night, and woke up today to see it's even worse. I'm hoping that some of old-town Lahaina has survived. It was such a beautiful unique place and it's hard to imagine it just being gone. Also very scary to imagine being there as a tourist during something like this, no cell service or 911, very few roads in or out, etc. Really hope people are okay.
The downtown streets of the small town were lined with old wooden buildings. I didn't take many pictures when we walking around there because it was just so charming. This picture of vintage spools was one of the few, I took it in a hat shop. I'm guessing this store and/or building are no longer standing.
When we were there in 2017, we happened upon a birthday party for this massive Banyan tree that takes up acres in downtown old town Lahaina. It was a community thing more than a tourist thing, with local kids performing and that sort of thing. Just lovely. The idea of a community party for a tree is really something isn't it?

I really really hope that the tree has somehow survived.
One of the other fires yesterday, was located on the downslope of Haleakala, which is one of the driest parts of the island. This is a picture from our visit to a really great lavender farm in that neighborhood. I thought it was really something to have a thriving lavender farm on a tropical island, but those plants love hot temperatures and they only got a fraction of the rainfall in that spot. So pretty perfect for lavender.
Fingers crossed for all the people to be safe. Buildings and businesses can be rebuilt, and trees regrown, lavender replanted etc.
We have friends who live in Kihei. They said they were ok, which was a relief.
Thanks for the Banyan Tree link, Susan. Fingers crossed some part of it survives.
I'm so glad that your friends are okay Jaye.
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