Thursday, October 12, 2023

Dying to Be Dyeing

Usually I don't take process pictures because I'm wearing rubber gloves and trying to keep on track with what I'm doing. So here are some before and after photos. This is the before setup, my pre-rolled and folded marked fabric fat quarters and the dyes I''ll be using for the class. Not all of these well get used today as I'm only doing the beginning 12 colors for the color wheel. I've never used ProChem dyes before (always used Dharma Trading), but they were recommended by the class syllabus.

While I've got all the dye stuff out, I decided to try and do some of the dyeing for my Temperature quilt colors that I need. I'm using the American Made PFD fabric that I bought last year, torn into half yards.
Here's an after photo of the 12 fat quarters in their own baggies.

And here are the half yard fabrics I'm dyeing to try and match close enough to the Temperature quilt colors. Plus one purple shirt I'm over-dyeing in purple in the bottom left.

I was pretty good at not getting dye all over myself, the new gloves I remembered to use helped a lot with that. Amazing when there's no holes how well they work. But one spot appeared on my forehead. DS noticed it first and said "I guess you're not done dyeing yet." DH and DS were cracking up when I was discussing my plans for dyeing today. Of course to the ear it sounds like I'm sharing the plans I'm making for dying, and that is just always quite funny no matter how many times the joke has been made. That one letter really means a lot, and context doesn't always help.

Now to wait the 24 hours batching time to see how it all turns out.


Jaye said...

The picture of the bottles with the fabrics could be a card or postcard. Perhaps you can sell it as an image to support your fabric habit! ;-)

Julie Zaccone Stiller said...

That's a good idea to use that picture for a card or postcard.