Saturday, October 14, 2023

Dye Drained

Here's one of the fat quarter bundles in the dye sink before being un-rubberbanded. I liked the pattern of the magenta swirls of dye.

Here's how that fabric looked after the washout, along with some of the beautiful dyed threads, quite the color combo, huh?
This is the first three of the fat quarters that I washed out for the Dye Mastery class. Yellow, Yellow-Orange and Orange.
I really pleased with the patterning I achieved with the folding and rolling.
Here are three of the half-yards that I dyed to use for the Temperature Quilt.
They turned out pretty darned close to what I need, so I will probably either use them, or over-dye them.
I'm happy to find that I have a Very Bright design wall all of a sudden, yay! Dyeing is tiring, I'm pooped, but glad to have all the colors around me.


Jaye said...

WOW!! These colors are fabulous! I am glad you are learning so much in the class.

Julie Zaccone Stiller said...

Thanks! I'm so excited to be digging in and learning more in this class.