Some of the groups have more strips than the other groups, but that's how this works out with the dye colors we're working with.

I had to accordion fold and then steam iron the folds for each strip. I'm hoping this will create a sort of cross-hatch grid work look.
Here you can see one group's strips, with their machine-embroidered codes on the selvedge. Other methods of marking are also used like various waterproof markers, sewing on small squares of Tyvek with the information written on them, etc. But with 36 strips now, you've got to keep track to see which color interacts in which way with the other dyes.Now they're all rolled up and ready to dye. It's a little fiddly, but keeping track of which color got over-dyed in what other color is going to be very interesting. I can't wait to compare them all!
Those colors! THOSE COLORS!!!! swoon!
Right?! I'm so excited about them.
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