Here's the promised group shot of all the over-dyed strips. I've arranged them in the same order as the FQ group shot..
Turns out the Yellow group is the only one I did "correctly" or as per the class instructions. All of the over-dyed colors were supposed to follow this scheme: analogous to the right on the color wheel of yellow, analogous to the left on the color wheel of yellow and finally the complement of yellow. So two adjacent analogous colors and one opposite on the color wheel complement. My favorite of this group is the complement with the over-dye of violet. Left to right: Yellow, yellow-orange, green, violet.
For some reason, I did the complement correctly for the next color, Yellow-Orange, but then instead of doing two analogous colors to Yellow-Orange, I did two more complements Blue-Violet and Violet, but analogous to the complement (Blue), not the original color. The correct colors to over-dye would have been Yellow and Red. over-dye work except for the Yellow group is very very different than the rest of the classes' work. But luckily, I really like them quite a lot. The patterning especially is super interesting to me, some of these almost look like plaid tartans.

Red-Violet, Yellow, Yellow-Orange, Green.
Violet, Blue-Green, Orange, Yellow
Blue, Red, Yellow-Orange, Orange
Green, Violet, Orange, RedBlue-Green, Red-Violet, Orange, Red
Yellow-green,violet, red, red-violet.
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