After all that studio touring yesterday, I'm back in the kitchen, trying to use up the end of season bounty from our weekly CSA basket. This pile of red peppers has been slowly diminishing as we eat them as snacks. There is enough left to try and roast a tray of them which I'll then make soup with. Most of them are quite sweet but every now and then one is surprisingly spicy.

The pears have been coming in at a good rate, but most of them are getting eaten. Tonight I'm trying a poached pear recipe with some kind of wine sauce for dessert, we'll see how it turns out.

Pear skin is always interesting to look at up close, I'm planning to use this picture as a printout for a background in a collage.
Love the reds and greens and different textures!!! Pears are marvelous; I love Fall and all the apples and pears----colors galore!
So after I posted, I went and checked the pear and pepper status in the kitchen. And *someone* had eaten ALL the pears and most of the peppers, so my cooking plans went phptphghrrrr.
Oh well, at least they are eating fruits and vegies right?
I only managed to scavenge a small bag of pears this year. A couple neighbors I can't manage to find at home have pears dropping on their lawns and I wish I could ask them for more pears. I love pears. My sweet peppers are turning red on the vine and I'm not sure how to use them like this - string them up in ristras and let them dry?
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