Sunday, June 26, 2022

Facing Three Facings

Between all the sitting down watching tv time between the January 6th committee hearings and SF Giants games, I've gotten the facings all stitched down on what I'm calling the Color Triptych. They don't look any different than the last time I posted a picture of them of course, but then that's how a good facing is supposed to work, right? But now I'm one big step closer to being able to hang them up in my house. 

The sleeves and labels should be pretty quick to make and stitch on.
And my production assistant was of course a big help as per usual.


Jaye said...

LOL!!! Leelo! Your picture's caption is hilarious!.

Love the tryptych and can't wait to see it hung up.

Julie Zaccone Stiller said...

She's soooo helpful. Nope, she's just curious and nosy. But I work around it. Soon on the hanging up part.