I hadn't used the Percolator app in a while, so I was playing with it today.
Some of these combinations can really look like they've been done in fabric.

The difference between the dark background and light is so striking.Some of these combinations can really look like they've been done in fabric.

It's so fun to see all these possibilities. And almost all of the vertical lines are gone, they're only hinted at.
Here's the original photo, of the grass I'm growing for our new cat to eat instead of the various houseplants she's been sampling.
So cool! Have you thought of submitting a portfolio for your own line of fabric?
this looks so cool I love each one and imagine it in fabric. Not familiar with that app.
Thanks, Jaye. I haven't thought of submitting a portfolio for fabric deisgn in ages, hmmm, might be time to look into that again.
Thanks, Susan, the Percolator app is very much worth checking out if you like fooling around with digital pictures.
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