Thursday, January 03, 2019

Word of the year

I've chosen a word of the year for many years now (about fifteen or so I think), and there's something about this intentional process I keep coming back to. It's not a resolution making thing, it's more about setting your intentions so it's not bad/good/whatever if you don't "succeed" at it over the course of the new year, but instead a more gentle nudge to alter your approach to things in the new year.

Anyways, this year I chose the word at random (as usual) and came up with FOCUS.
Whew, is this ever the word for me this year. I've struggled with this a lot recently, and not just n regards to being creative, so it's going to be a challenge. But it's such an obvious place to start for me. I have all the tools, the time, the physical ability (mostly) and even some energy (sometimes), all I need is the FOCUS to actually get something done.

 I just ordered this print from society6 all about FOCUS.


Jaye said...

I always think about this and then I never choose a word. How do you choose a word at random? Do you have a deck, shuffle and draw a card?

One thing I thought of when you wrote "...all I need is the FOCUS to actually get something done" is: is there something else that is stealing your focus?

Now my mind is racing and I have more thoughts. :
-do you need to put creativity dates on your calendar so that the time is blocked out and available when you are up for it?
-is there a good time of day so you know that at that time you should be in your studio or working on handwork?
-does this intention have anything to do with structure??

Great photo of you!

Julie Zaccone Stiller said...

I have a list of words from a long time ago that I printed out, cut apart and keep in a bag. So I chose a word at random from that.
What's stealing my focus? Good question, I suppose figuring out the answer to that is what I'm working on. I think a lot of it is visual distraction in my workspace. If I clean up when I'm done for the day, it's easier for me to get back to work the next day. So I need to, 'get the decks cleared' and then keep them that way.
Thanks, I actually liked the picture too, which is rare.

Jaye said...

Darn, I thought you had a deck or something. I am sure I could find a list, but have to ask myself if it would help me at all. I have a book called 365 Tao, which I work through periodically and it helps me get my act together. I am currently reviewing other similar books to get a new view but the same kind of practice.

I have too many piles in my workroom. I would dearly love a bunch of white cabinets with slide out work surfaces, drawers and cupboards. I also need a lot of bookcases. Someday, maybe.

I have seen several good pictures of you recently!