Time for a cornucopia post, of all those tidbits and items that weren't worthy of their own blog post. Because I say so.
First of all check out those claws on Zippy, he's my 13 year old cat. He keeps them very sharp by climbing up and down the redwoods.
First of all check out those claws on Zippy, he's my 13 year old cat. He keeps them very sharp by climbing up and down the redwoods.
Feel like going to an auction but can't get out of the house just now? How about the Surface Design Association's They've got it all there, cloth, scarves, shawls sweaters, jewelry, books, videos, quilts.
Want to have a book read to you by the author? I do, especially if it is Neil Gaiman (love his voice and writing). As part of his book tour for his latest, The Graveyard Book he is reading a chapter per stop on the tour, which are being videoed and posted. Cool idea!
Want to have a book read to you by the author? I do, especially if it is Neil Gaiman (love his voice and writing). As part of his book tour for his latest, The Graveyard Book he is reading a chapter per stop on the tour, which are being videoed and posted. Cool idea!
Another book I'm excited about is Gregory Maguire's A Lion Among Men, the third in his alterna-Oz series. The other two being Wicked and Son of A Witch.
I can't wait to see where he takes the familiar, yet new characters this time. The blurb says: "seen now through the eyes of the Cowardly Lion—the once tiny cub defended by Elphaba in Wicked. "
A quilt that isn't a quilt. Huh? Digital Online Quilt Collaborative. Separate images all sewn together into one whole. There are some really interesting pieces here. Not quilt related at all though. They're using the word quilt in the sense of patching together pieces into a whole.
A new set of products for preparing fabric to be printed by your ink-jet printer by Golden. Sounds pretty interesting, might be worth trying once I run out of Bubble Jet Set. Word is that it works much better and is more reliable than BJS. And of course Dick Blick carries it, don't they have absolutely everything?!
I think I've got to make something for the Quilting Arts Magazine "Rock On" Challenge. Although I'm stuck on David Essex's "Rock On", hopefully I can get past it to make something a bit more creative.
Another cool tool from BigHugeLabs is the Photo Fortune which serves up a random image chosen from Flickr along with a fortune cookie fortune or quote. Sometimes the photos seem to be an illustration of the quote or fortune, other times the juxtaposition is unintentionally hilarious.

BigHugeLabs also has a poster maker for Breast Cancer Awareness month, which is October, hey that's now! That's the one I made using a vintage ad for breast supporters.

How about a challenge to art up a blank Skooba laptop case? Deb is considering organizing one, any interest out there?
If you want to read my political thoughts and/or rants, I've begun posting over at Open Salon, which is a great community with interesting discussions about the issues of the day.
Now onto the weekend! Have a good one.
Re: Rock on Challenge - how about something along the lines of Rock the Vote?
Oh, thank you for the heads up on The Graveyard Book!
I love to read The graveyard book. Thanks for sharing.
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