Happy Blogiversary to me!
Today is the anniversary of my very first post way back when in 2004. I needed something to divert my attention from the nail-biter, very close election. Hey, four years later, I still find that I enjoy doing this, writing about what I'm doing, or thinking, or investigating, or believing, or creating. All of that blah,blah,blah about everything I have actually found to be worthwhile and helps me quite a bit to be able to go back in time and see what I was up to at a certain point in time. I can investigate myself, and see when I started talking about a certain type of quilt, or technique, or book, or whatever subject.
So, thanks for reading what I write, and commenting, and contributing, I really appreciate hearing from you!
Happy Blogiversary! It's fun rooting around in old posts. Sorta your own personal Wayback Machine....
Happy Happy B'Versary Day!
:-D eirdre
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