I get to make a quilt for my niece, Meytal who just turned three. She's vacating the crib to make room for little sister, and needs a quilt for her big girl bed. I'm so excited to get to make something kinda girly for once, but not toooo girly. Here are some of the fabrics I just picked up to supplement all the kid prints that I already have.

I happened to have
Kaffe Fassett's book, Quilts in the Sun
out of the library and brought it over to show to my sister-in-law.

We decided that the cover quilt would be perfect for using the kid prints in the center of each 8"square. Then I'll use various pinks, purples and blues for the 4 1/4" framing strips. And since this is a bed quilt, and I know I have such a hard time doing simple non-dense quilting, I'll actually quilt it as recommended which is in a few straight lines through the framing around each square. Easy peasy right? We shall see...
I scanned this picture by Debbie Patterson out of the book because I love it so much I had to share it with you. Don't you love the contrast of the peeling paint and the perfect quilt?

I also brought over my big box of kid prints that I'd used to make the boys' bug jar quilts and let Meytal look through it. She liked a lot of the bugs and frogs, and several of those are in the range of pink/purple/blue instead of bright primary. It was fun to go through the fabrics with her and see her face light up at certain images, there were a few she wouldn't put down for quite a while, so those are definitely going in the quilt.
I do! I love the contrast, the color range, the quilt!
That is a wonderful quilt. There is one in the Kerr/Ringle color book that might be up your alley as well. Take a look at it at: http://artquiltmaker.blogspot.com/2008/05/cleaning-up-junk-drawer-of-my-blog.html It is about midway down that post after the Gabrielle Swain stuff.
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