Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Tokyo Banana

Sometimes when my husband has a trip to Japan he brings us back goodies from a shop called, Tokyo Banana. They're almost always very good, (every now and then there's a flavoring I don't care for), these were quite tasty. Kind of a squishy cookie/cake filled with vaguely banana-ish almond-is creamy filling. Japanese treats tend to not have chocolate, so that you get to give other flavors a chance. Not my preference, but Not Absolutely Everything has to be chocolate. 
I really love the packaging design. And one of their stores in Japan has an enormous banana on the roof, gotta love that.


Jaye said...

We might have to argue about chocolate. I think you are probably right, but only once in awhile. ;-)

Julie Zaccone Stiller said...

I guess I'll have to take being right once in a while, that's fine, I don't need to be right allll the time.