Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot chocolate please, especially with whipped cream on top. I do like eggnog, but it sometimes makes me queasy when I think of what it is made with.

Colored lights on tree or white? Definitely colored, white lights just seem like something you could use anytime of year. This year we have three strands of the new LED lights, I'm not sure I like how they look compared to the usual kind, not as sparkly. But I know I'm saving a lot of energy and can have them on more!

When do you put your decorations up? I usually like to decorate on my birthday (December 1st), but if it doesn't happen then, then at least within the first two weeks of December. If I get them up too late, then it is harder to get into the swing of the holiday spirit, and also my family won't let me take them down until the middle of January!
What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? It is hard to pick one, because we're always mixing up the menus on Christmas. I'd have to say I truly enjoyed the cioppino we made a couple years ago, it was restaurant quality, it was swoon-worthy. I think we'll make that this year for Christmas Eve dinner.

When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I think I was around 8 or 9, and soemone at school told me. I was really upset and worried until I talked to my mom, who told me the big secret was now I get to make the magic happen for my little brother. What do you know? It worked, I thought that was just great. I know people worry about telling this deliberate lie to their children, but it really is a great thing to learn that your parents=Santa Claus.
Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Yes, we open all our gifts to each other on Christmas Eve. Christmas morning we open whatever Santa brings us. Santa usually brings stuff that parents wouldn't normally give.

How do you decorate your Christmas tree? We have lots of different ornaments, from my childhood, ones that the boys have made, I've been collecting stars and the word "PEACE". Some gold garland, and a gold star on top. I used to love putting the silvery "icicles" on, but once we got cats who liked to eat them, we had to stop using them.

Can you ice skate? Yes, but I haven't in a really looooong time. I remember how much it would make my ankles hurt compared to roller skating.
Do you remember your favorite gift? I think that would be my very first 110 Camera. I was so excited about it, to have my very own camera. Then we went to Disneyland right afterwards and I took all kinds of crazy pictures.
What’s the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Seeing family, spending time just being together, giving presents and cooking good food that we never take the time to make.
What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? Almond Trees made with the Mirro Cookie Press tree shape and topped with round teeny sprinkles. Don't let them overcook!
Christmas trees

1- 12 min @ 375
1 c shortening
3/4 c sugar
1 egg
2 1/4 c sifted flour
1/8 tsp salt
1/4 tsp bkg powder
1 tsp almond extract
Green vegetable coloring
Multi Colored Round Small Sprinkles
Cream shortening adding sugar gradually. add unbeaten egg, sifted dry ingredients, flavoring, and a few drops of vegetable coloring, mixing well. Fill cookie press, press out cookies, decorate with sprinkles. Bake on ungreased cookie sheets. Use the tree plate. yield 6 doz.
What is your favorite tradition? Making a gingerbread house with my boys and then we all participate in destroying it for dessert.
Which do you prefer, Giving or Receiving? Giving. I love to see if I've chosen a present that the person really truly enjoys receiving.
What is your favorite Christmas Song? The one that I love for its contemporary interpretation of the story of Christmas is Dave Matthews' "Christmas Song".
Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum? Oh yum! Especially if you use it to stir your hot chocolate (see question #1 above).

How about you?
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