Last year, about a week before Christmas I got the crazy idea I was going to sew myself something new to wear to our family doings. I don't know what it is about the combination of misplaced enthusiasm, fabric store pheremones and 50% Off SALE signs, but apparently I am mortally susceptible.

Usually I wear a Christmas fabric vest that I made years ago out of various holiday fabrics. It no longer pleases me, so much, even though I only wear it once a year, it isn't that I don't like it anymore, I think I'm bored with it. Also, it never really fit quite right as it was made from a unisex pattern, meaning it wouldn't fit anyone right, doesn't it?!
So I chose these fabrics from the holiday offerings at my local quilt shop. I think they will combine to make a very nice, new vest.

I'm starting on it today using this pattern,
ZEA Vest Collection #799 by LJ Designs. I'm not sure which view I'll be making, maybe one of the shorter ones.

And to go with it, a new holiday skirt. This horrible picture shows you, well not very much. I forget why, but red is particularly hard to photograph and I obviously haven't figured it out have I ?! This is a nice heavyweight cotton, in a deep Christmas red, that is pre-pleated and stitched. I'm looking for the picture simple long skirt to make with it. With the pleats running vertically. Not sure about how the pleats would'd look maybe slightly on the bias, hard for me to picture. So, will there be a picture of me wearing a new holiday outfit sometime soon?
I love your description of your susceptibility to fabric. It describes so well much of my life. I just bid way too much for 3 egg cups on ebay (misplaced enthusiasm)only because they are the Indian Tree pattern. I don't even use egg cups!
Hey Julie - good luck getting your holiday outfit done in time. Is the pattern you plan on using a current Pattern?
I like the style of the short square front vest.
:-D eirdre
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