Don't you love serendipity or perhaps just plain ol' coincidence? I was recently going through one of my two t-shirt drawers which are over-full. Having just purchased several new shirts, I was finding I couldn't fit them in. Going through the layers of shirts I never wear, but still keep around. I made a pile of ones that I could over-dye, or paint or embellish in some way to camoflauge the mysterious spots that have appeared on many of them. Having a built-in crumb-catcher shelf-chest I tend to collect a lot of food drips right smack dab in the middle of a shirt. Thus rendering it not suitable for wearing outside the house! grrrr. Anyways, I had quite a stack of these and I ended up ....where else?!...googling for ideas on saving these perfectly good shirts and repurposing or refashioning them. And stumbled upon this great idea for a challenge.
So I hereby take
I _JulieZS____________,
Pledge that I shall abstain from the purchase of "new" manufactured items of clothing,
for the period of 6 months.
I Pledge that I shall refashion, renovate, recylcle pre-loved items
for myself for the term of my contract.
I Pledge that I shall create and craft items of clothing for myself
with my own hands in
fabric, yarn or other medium for the term of my contract.
I Pledge that I will share the love and post a photo of my
refashioned, renovoated, recylcled, crafted or created item of clothing
on the Wardrobe Refashion blog,so that others may share the joy that thy thriftyness brings!
The serendipitous part of this is that Debra at A Stitch in Time is also talking about this challenge today. The more the merrier I guess!
I'm thinking my Grandma S. would have been into this idea, she was a great repurposer, taking buttons, lace, and trim off of clothing being discard to use in another setting. Following in her footsteps I shall go then.
Wow! Six months!! I figured that 4 months would get me through the summer season.. but I only 2 keep-worthy long sleeved things, and know I will need to buy more come fall.
I'm thinking later this week I'll stamp the stained shirts with discharge paste... then do some dyeing and over dyeing next week.
Welcome to the group.
ohhhh. i like this. but i need new pants. maybe after i buy them i'll take part!
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