My Mother's Day Bouquet. Here is the e-bouquet I gave my mom, didn't want to give her pneumonia too, so we didn't get to visit in person today :(
All these flowers are from my garden, including the wisteria which has come into flower finally, it was late this year due to the rain. My Mom has had gorgeous wisteria for forever and she shared some starts with me that have finally matured enough to have reliable flowers every year.
The lovely vase the flowers are in was a gift my son Alex picked out at the Camp Joy plant sale today. We got three cherry tomatoes, Camp Joy Cherry, Brown Berry, and Lemon Drop. As well as two peppers, Thai Demon (or Dragon) and Thai Pago . One six pack of unusual flowers also, Gomphera, which I'll hopefully be able to show you a picture of, once it flowers!
I got to spend the day weeding out the vegie garden so hopefully I can plant out this week. 100 Degrees F today! Yowza.

Mystery flower passed down from my grandma to my mom to me. Anyone know what it is? I've never ever seen it in a plant catalog, nursery or gardening book. The leaves are stiff, slender and grasslike. It grows in clumps and flowers in May. The flowers hang down as green to pink pods, then open into the blue edged yellow green you see here.
1 comment:
Hi Julie
your mystery flower is a Billbergia nutans - one of the bromeliad family have a look at
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