Can't win for trying around here!
I tried making paper out of these purple irises one year. Succeeded in getting a lovely, sickly shade of yuck brown/beige. It just seemed with all that intense purple colour that drips as the blossoms degrade you could make something at least lavender shaded. Nope. Unless there is a secret trick I don't know about. It is fun to put a piece of paper under the vase these are in, and as the color drips it makes cool spatters on the paper.
The lengths I go to, in order to keep myself entertained, mind-boggling ain't it?!
ohhh you should lay them out on some mordanted silk and let it sit for a week our two,de if they make a nice dye.
Love the new look of the blog.
I loved that clock counting days of Mr. Bush in the office...
And irises are truly amazing...
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