Monday, May 27, 2024

Reaching 100

So many little tiny strips sewn together.

The Penultimate 9".
And here's...the One Hundredth! 
9" at a time every day, I made it through a whole lot of scraps to get to the end of one whole roll of Scrap Tape plus a little bit more. You can see that it is still connected to the new roll. I haven't decided what to with that connection quite yet. To sever or not to sever? Keep it connected for maybe next year's 100 Days Project? Or cut it off and do something different?
It's a great feeling to be done, towards the end of these 100 days, I realized I was becoming a bit tired of the project. But I'm pleased to not have quit on it and pushed through to finish up. Before I decide what's next for this little bundle of goodness, I'm going to just let myself be happy with being done for a couple days.

1 comment:

Jaye said...
