2.Slurpee Squared needs hand-stitching on the added edges, facings, a sleeve and label.
3. Another 2005 blast-from-the-past, is the Celestial Round Robin. It needs to be basted, quilted, binding and label.
4. May You Ever Return - This one is the least put together on this list, but I want to have it done in time for the Rosalie Dace class in September.
5. Body Double needs the edges finished in some way that hasn't been determined, and then a sleeve and label.
6. Technology's Spine - needs some hand stitching, binding, sleeve and label.

9. Shenzhen Skies - finish quilting, bind, sleeve, label.
10. A shirt of some kind made out of this fabric.
You can do it *cheering*
Ooooooh! There's soo much goodness here! Those tunic are really cute. Might need to look those up! Good luck with your finishes!
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