Thanks for this meme DebR, it was one of many to choose from out in blogland, and I went with this one since I could answer without stressing myself too much. There is certainly enough of that to go around at this time of year!
Here is my favorite holiday decoration, the jewelry tree that my Grandma made.

1. In your opinion, what does Christmas smell like?
Douglas Fir piney-resiny, Peppermint of all those Candy Canes, gingerbread, and definitely the scent of a fire. How do you like this pompom rug, doesn't it look comfy?!
Douglas Fir piney-resiny, Peppermint of all those Candy Canes, gingerbread, and definitely the scent of a fire. How do you like this pompom rug, doesn't it look comfy?!

2. Do you leave cookies out for Santa?
Of Course! Yes! We even have an official mug and plate that is only ever used by Santa. It is placed next to the tree, high up so that Zelda the wonderdog won't help herself, and in a spot where the cats fear to tread. Also, we make sure to leave mini carrots for the reindeer, and sometimes brandy instead of milk in Santa's mug. And someone has to remember to eat the cookies and leave one with a bite out of it.
Of Course! Yes! We even have an official mug and plate that is only ever used by Santa. It is placed next to the tree, high up so that Zelda the wonderdog won't help herself, and in a spot where the cats fear to tread. Also, we make sure to leave mini carrots for the reindeer, and sometimes brandy instead of milk in Santa's mug. And someone has to remember to eat the cookies and leave one with a bite out of it.

I guess the question is, will I still perform this arcane ritual once the boys no longer live here???
3. What Christmas song would you prefer to never hear again?
"The Little Drummer Boy". Without a doubt. I remember very clearly playing the Frosty the Snowman record that we had on my player over and over again, and playing it just to bug my brother. Haha! The fun memories of a big sister...
My Favorite new to me song this year is "Santa Lost a Ho" by the Christmas Jug Band, it is peppy and silly, full of possibly disturbing innuendo and very fun to sing along to. (ooh here it is on Musical Fruitcake, guess it made their worst Christmas song list, ah well, I never said I had taste, but don't send me any fruitcakes.!)

Silent Night remains my all time "normal" favorite, especially the Barbra Streisand version.
4. What does your tree topper look like?
Well this year, like nothing. We couldn't get it to stay on. Let's just say that year 4 for this particular live tree is pushing it. The top is healthy and happy and new and well, um, floppy.
I tried all three that we have, all of which are various types of gold five pointed stars. None of them worked, mostly because the tree is too tall and is hitting the ceiling and there just wasn't room for a star too.
Well this year, like nothing. We couldn't get it to stay on. Let's just say that year 4 for this particular live tree is pushing it. The top is healthy and happy and new and well, um, floppy.

5. Do you plan a special breakfast for Christmas morning?
Yes, I remember that I wanted to have a signature dish that I always make for this occasion, so I scrounged around my cookbooks the first Christmas my husband and I were together and came up with this. So I ended up choosing Dutch Babies (doesn't that sound gruesome?!) aka German Pancakes. Kinda of like a souffle plus pancakes. Sometimes there is grumbling and additional waffles are made for those who need additional starch and sugar.
Yes, I remember that I wanted to have a signature dish that I always make for this occasion, so I scrounged around my cookbooks the first Christmas my husband and I were together and came up with this. So I ended up choosing Dutch Babies (doesn't that sound gruesome?!) aka German Pancakes. Kinda of like a souffle plus pancakes. Sometimes there is grumbling and additional waffles are made for those who need additional starch and sugar.

6. Is a Bûche de Noël a great holiday dessert, or the greatest holiday dessert?
Greatest! I've made them for years, since I was a teenager really, and am planning to this year. Too bad my wax mushrooms melted, I may have to trudge around in my forest and dredge up some real ones.. Hey, any excuse for chocolate cake baby!
Greatest! I've made them for years, since I was a teenager really, and am planning to this year. Too bad my wax mushrooms melted, I may have to trudge around in my forest and dredge up some real ones.. Hey, any excuse for chocolate cake baby!

7. Do you festoon your Christmas packages with ribbons and bows and glittery furbelows, are they plain, or are they (shudder) in gift bags?

Hey! What's wrong with gift bags?! Yes to all, except the plain. Every present has at least a bow taped on. Not necessarily a new bow though, I'll point out. I have some that have been around since I was a kid! And those album cover gift sleeves from the 70's still turn up too, my mom and I pass them back and forth (they're great for wrapping up the kids school portraits!).
Wow! TWO ideas from your blog for me today! I am going to try the 'Dutch Babies' for Christmas Eve brunch in a few hours.
Then I am going to see if hubby can solder me some of those beaded star wires so later today, we can make ornaments with Tommy, (who's now seven!).
Thanks Julie! and a very Merry Christmas to you! As well as Solstice a few days late. :)
Merry Christmas :)
I love Dutch Babies too! I don't make them coz I can get them on any day at The Original Pancake House restaurant. Your grandma's jewelry tree is adorable. Do you know how she put it together?
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