I bought these wire snowflake forms at a
local bead and quilting shop over the weekend, they're from
BeadSmith. They're just three wires welded together in the center to make a six armed star/snowflake.

I used the whole range of beads that I own, glass, ceramic, faux pearls. Except for the seed beads, as those wouldn't fit on the kinda thick wires.

Really easy to do, just put the beads on and curl the wire ends.

I like the mix of shapes, sizes and bead types. No two are alike, just like snowflakes!

The ulti-Christmas colours version.

Yellow and gold looks really elegant here, I can see why people decorate with that as a colour scheme for the holidays.

I think this blue/green one is my favorite.

This one is really chunky, but I like the mix of beads quite a lot.

I'm finally getting the hang of using the round pliers for making the curl on the end. The wire is really hardened though and quite stiff. It took me a few snowflakes, and a little bit of bleeding (acck!) to be able to handle it easily.

Here are all eight snowflakes together. I then strung ribbon through and hung them up in my window. I may or may not gift these to people this year. I have a hard time parting with shiny sparkly stuff. Justcallmemagpie!
Very nice! I may have to make a few of those myself. A trick to curling the wire is to first bend it at a 90 degree angle, then sort of turn your hand upside down and roll backwards to make the loop. (Clearly, this is easily to show than to tell. :-)
These are lovely and I'll bet they look so sparkly and festive in your window! (Keep 'em ;)
Put me on the list! Lovely. I always wondered how these were made!
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